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Souvenir Programme Historial Museum - one piece1.png
christopher columbus 1.png
Bahamas Historical Museum & Hall of Fame recognition certificates-1.png

Purpose for the Building

There is a tremendous wealth of information about courageous men and women who provided the Nation with the dedicated individuals who are now a part of the solution to the problems in which their country is faced today.

Much of the valuable information about the accomplishments of these dedicated individuals however, lie buried in abandoned graveyards, and as a result ... The inability to obtain information about ones origin, lineage, aims, objectives and/or accomplishments of individuals or developers have contributed to the frustration, stagmentation and destruction of many people throughout the ages.

These thoughts imbued me with a spirit of determination to build a Historical Museum and a Hall of fame where some measure of recognition and appreciation could be given to encourage those who helped to provide the atmosphere of stability on which the success of the economy depends ... As well as give some measure of consideration to those who assist in the development , protection or maintenance of this very delicate commodity which our economy must have in order for it to exist .


              The Christopher Columbus Story            

christopher columbus 2.png

Inside the Museum

Angelo with a man on haunches in museum.png
pic of various display items in museam1.png
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pic of old cabinets with different ornaments displayed (wider view).png
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various ornaments in museum.png
two pics of people at glass cabinet looking at prints.png
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pic of various display items in museam2.png

Bimini Archeological Discovery

5 pics - Angelo with men showing Bimini archealogical discovery.png

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